
Im Kontext des Kompetenzzentrums sind eine Reihe von Publikationen entstanden, die unsere vielfältigen Kompetenzen und Aktivitäten dokumentieren und erfolgreich in angesehenen Zeitschriften und renommierten Konferenzen platziert werden konnten.

Die Publikationen, die im Folgenden gelistet werden, werden und wurden in bzw. mit Beteiligung des Teams in Münster erarbeitet.



Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Scholta, H., Halsbenning, S., Distel, B., & Becker, J. (2020). Walking a Mile in Their Shoes—A Citizen Journey to Explore Public Service Delivery from the Citizen Perspective. In Viale, P., Gabriela;, J., Marijn;, L., Habin;, L., Ida;, R. B., Manuel, P. S., Hans, J. Z., & Anneke, (Eds.), Electronic Government: 19th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2020, Linköping, Sweden, August 31 — September 2, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 164–178). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Vol. 12219. Cham: Springer.
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Halsbenning, S., Scholta, H., & Niemann, M. (2020). The Data Doesn't Lie—An Approach for Form Usability Evaluation Based on Data Quality. In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), Marrakech, Morocco.
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Becker, J., Niemann, M., & Halsbenning, S. (2020). (Playing) Government beyond Pen and Paper: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Outlook. In Proceedings of the 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), Potsdam, Deutschland.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Scholta, H., Balta, D., Räckers, M., Becker, J., & Krcmar, H. (2020). Standardization of Forms in Governments: A Meta-Model for a Reference Form Modeling Language. Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 62(6), 535–560.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Scholta, H., Niemann, M., Delfmann, P., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2019). Semi-automatic inductive construction of reference process models that represent best practices in public administrations: A method. Information Systems, 84(September 2019), 63–87.
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Scholta, H., Mertens, W., Kowalkiewicz, M., & Becker, J. (2019). From one-stop shop to no-stop shop: An e-government stage model. Government Information Quarterly (GIQ), 36(1), 11–26.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Scholta, H., Niemann, M., Halsbenning, S., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2019). Fast and Federal—Policies for Next-Generation Federalism in Germany. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Wailea, Hawaii, 3273–3282.
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Halsbenning, S., & Niemann, M. (2019). The European Procurement Dilemma—First Steps to Introduce Data-Driven Policy-Making in Public Procurement. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2019), Moscow, Russia, 303–311.
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Distel, B., & Lindgren, I. (2019). Who Are the Users of Digital Public Services? A Critical reflection on Differences in the Treatment of Citizens as 'Users' in e-government Research. In Panagiotopoulos, P., Edelmann, N., Glassey, O., Misuraca, G., Parycek, P., Lampoltshammer, T., & Re, B. (Eds.), Electronic Participation (pp. 117–129). LNCS: Vol. 11686. Cham: Springer.
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Distel, B., Ogonek, N., & Becker, J. (2019). eGovernment competences revisited — A literature review on necessary competences in a digitalized public sector. In Proceedings of the Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, 286–300.
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Ogonek, N., Distel, B., & Becker, J. (2019). Let's Play ... eGovernment! A Simulation Game for Competence Development among Public Administration Students. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 3087–3096). Honolulu: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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Ogonek, N., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2019). How to Master the “E”: Tools for Competence Identification, Provision and Preservation in a Digitalized Public Sector. In Ben, D. S., Carter, L., & Gregory, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (pp. 56–64). New York: ACM.
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Scholta, H., & Lindgren, I. (2019). The Long and Winding Road of Digital Public Services—One Next Step: Proactivity. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), Munich.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Niemann, M., & Halsbenning, S. (2019). Contribution to growth. European Public Procurement. Delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses. Brüssel, Belgien: unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
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Fachbuch (Herausgegebenes Buch)

Räckers, M., Halsbenning, S., Rätz, D., Richter, D., & Schweighofer, E. (Eds.) (2019). Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung. Lecture Notes in Informatics: Vol. 291. Bonn: Köllen.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Halsbenning, S., Niemann, M., Räckers, M., & Scholta, H. (2019). Prozesse und Prozessmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. In Stember, J., Eixelsberger, W., Neuroni, A., Spichiger, A., Habbel, F.-R., & Wundara, M. (Eds.), Handbuch E-Government: Technikinduzierte Verwaltungsentwicklung (pp. 245–265). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Distel, B. (2018). Bringing Light into the Shadows. A Qualitative Interview Study on Citizens' Non-Adoption of E-Government. Electronic Journal of E-Government, 16(2), 98–105.
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Hofmann, S., & Ogonek, N. (2018). Different But Still The Same? How Public And Private Sector Organisations Deal with New Digital Competences. The Electronic Journal of e-Government (EJEG) (EJEG), 16(2), 127–135.
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Ogonek, N., & Hofmann, S. (2018). Governments' Need for Digitization Skills: Understanding and Shaping Vocational Training in the Public Sector. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 5(4), 61–75.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Distel, B., & Becker, J. (2018). A Long and Winding Road? Analyzing E-Government Website Maturity in Germany. In Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, Lüneburg, 621–632.
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Kregel, I., & Ogonek, N. (2018). Digital Lean Competencies: Requirements for Public Administration. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, Dubai, UAE, 94–106.
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Ogonek, N., & Becker, J. (2018). Can we Learn from Down Under How to Rise Up in E-Government? A Comparative Analysis of the Public Sector Competences in the German and Australian Higher Education Systems. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018, Big Island, Hawaii, 2256–2265.
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Qualifikationsschrift (Dissertation, Habilitationsschrift)

Distel, B. (2018). Explaining Citizens' Non-Adoption and Adoption of E-Government in Germany. at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
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Scholta, H. (2018). Standardization of Government Forms through Reference Modeling: A Method. at the Universität Münster.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Scholta, H., Mertens, W., Reeve, A., & Kowalkiewicz, M. (2017). From One-Stop-Shop to No-Stop-Shop: An E-Government Stage Model. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Guimarães, 918–934.
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Scholta, H. (2017). The Same but Still Different: Forms in E-Government. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2017), Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, 2559–2568.
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Ogonek, N. (2017). The Tale of e-Government: A Review of the Stories that Have Been Told So Far and What is Yet to Come. In Proceedings of the 50. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 2468–2477.
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Ogonek, N., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2017). Kompetenzen erkennen, dokumentieren und bewahren für ein bedarfsgerechtes Wissensmanagement im demografischen Wandel. In Proceedings of the WM1017 — 9te Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement, Karlsruhe, 174–185.
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Höhenberger, S., & Scholta, H. (2017). Will Government Forms Ever be Consistent? Detecting Violations in Form Structures by Utilizing Graph Theory. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Guimarães, 737–752.
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Distel, B., & Becker, J. (2017). All Citizens Are the Same, Aren’t They? — Developing an E-government User Typology. In Janssen, M., Axelsson, K., Glassey, O., Klievink, B., Krimmer, R., Lindgren, I., Parycek, P., Scholl, H. J., & Trutnev, D. (Eds.), Electronic Government. 16th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 4-7, 2017, Proceedings. (pp. 336–350). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Vol. 10428. Cham: Springer.
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Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung

Distel, B., & Ogonek, N. (2016). To Adopt or Not To Adopt: A Literature Review on Barriers to Citizens' Adoption of E-Government Services.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Chasin, F., & Scholta, H. (2015). Taking Peer-to-Peer Sharing and Collaborative Consumption onto the Next Level — New Opportunities and Challenges for E-Government. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster, Germany.
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Scholta, H., Balta, D., Wolf, P., Becker, J., & Krcmar, H. (2015). Standardization of Service Descriptions, Process Models and Forms in Public Administrations: Results from a Survey in Germany. In Tambouris, E., Scholl, H. J., Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., Tarabanis, K., Gascó, M., Klievink, B., Lindgren, I., Milano, M., Panagiotopoulos, P., Pardo, T. A., Parycek, P., & Sæbø, Ø. (Eds.), Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research, PhD Papers, Posters and Workshops of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2015 (pp. 245–252). Innovation and the Public Sector: Vol. 22. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2014). Internet adoption by the elderly: employing IS technology acceptance theories for understanding the age-related digital divide. European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), 23(6), 708–726.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Ahrend, N., Wolf, P., Räckers, M., Dentschev, A., & Jurisch, M. (2014). Federal Information Management — Context and Effects. In Proceedings of the 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Stuttgart.
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Folmer, E., Heddier, M., Matzner, M., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2014). A Method for Managing IT-Based Boundary Objects: Design and Application in the Public Sector. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), Tel Aviv, Israel.
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Hofmann, S. (2014). Just because we can — Governments' rationale for using social media. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel.
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Lang, M., & Hofmann, S. (2014). Is Facebook Ready for Open Government? A Quantitative Analysis amongst its Users. In Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn, Deutschland.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Heddier, M., Hofmann, S., Jurisch, M., Krcmar, H., Niehaves, B., Räckers, M., Rauer, H. P., Schilling, J., Scholta, H., Seidel, C., Thapa, B., Wolf, P., & Zepic, R. (2014). Analyse des Potenzials des E-Government-Gesetzes. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern. Berlin: NEGZ.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Hofmann, S., Beverungen, D., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2013). What Makes Local Governments' Online Communications Successful? Insights from a Multi-Method Analysis of Facebook. Government Information Quarterly, 30(4), 387–396.
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Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Becker, J. (2013). Business Process Management Capabilities in Local Governments: A Multi-Method Study. Government Information Quarterly, 30(3), 217–225.
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Plattfaut, R., Hofmann, S., Kohlborn, T., Beverungen, D., Räckers, M., Niehaves, B., & Becker, J. (2013). Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität: Von mobilen Bürgerdiensten zu E-Government?. eGovernment Review, 11, 14–15.
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Räckers, M., Hofmann, S., & Becker, J. (2013). The Influence of Social Context and Targeted Communication on e-Government Service Adoption. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 8074, 298–309.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Dillon, S., Deakins, E., Beverungen, D., Kohlborn, T., Hofmann, S., & Räckers, M. (2013). Local e-Government Transformation — An International Comparison. In Proceedings of the WEBIST, Aachen, Germany, 361–367.
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Hofmann, S., Räckers, M., Beverungen, D., & Becker, J. (2013). Old Blunders in New Media? How Local Governments Communicate with Citizens in Online Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46), Maui, Hawaii.
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Malsbender, A., Hofmann, S., & Becker, J. (2013). Aligning Capabilities and Social Media Affordances for Open Innovation in Governments. In Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Melbourne, Australien.
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Niehaves, B., Köffer, S., & Ortbach, K. (2013). IT consumerization under more difficult conditions — Insights from German local governments. In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2013), Quebec City, Canada.
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Ortbach, K., Köffer, S., Müller, P., & Niehaves, B. (2013). How IT Consumerization Affects the Stress Level at Work — A Public Sector Case Study. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Jeju Island, Korea.
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Plattfaut, R., Kohlborn, T., Hofmann, S., Beverungen, D., Niehaves, B., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2013). Unravelling (E-)Government Channel Selection: A Quantitative Analysis of Individual Customer Preferences in Germany and Australia. In Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 1983–1991.
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Seidel, C., Thapa, B., Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2013). Selective crowdsourcing for open process innovation in the public sector — are expert citizens really willing to participate?. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance 2013, Seoul, Korea.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Niehaves, B., Gorbacheva, E., & Plattfaut, R. (2013). The Digital Divide Vs. The E-Government Divide: Do Socio-Demographic Variables (Still) Impact E-Government Use Among Onliners. In Gil-Garcia, J. R. (Ed.), E-Government Success Factors and Measures: Theories, Concepts, and Methodologies (pp. 52–65). USA: IGI Global.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Hofmann, S., Jurisch, M., Knackstedt, R., Krcmar, H., Räckers, M., Thome, I., & Wolf, P. (2012). Prozessorientierte Verwaltung — Status quo und Forschungslücken. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-197(FTVI&FTRI 2012), 61–72.
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Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Becker, J. (2012). Business Process Governance: A Comparative Study of Germany and Japan. Business Process Management Journal, 18(2), 347–371.
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Plattfaut, R. (2012). Diskontinuierliche Erwerbsbiografien und alternde Belegschaften als Herausforderung für das Management von Prozessen in der Verwaltung. Verwaltung & Management, 18(4), 218–222.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Breuker, D., & Räckers, M. (2012). An Empirical Assessment of the Usefulness of Weakness Patterns in Business Process Redesign. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Barcelona, Spain, Paper 203.
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Hofmann, S., & Heierhoff, L. (2012). Adoption of Municipal e-Government Services — A Communication Problem?. In Proceedings of the AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA.
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Hofmann, S., Jurisch, M., Thome, I., Knackstedt, R., Räckers, M., Wolf, P., Heide, T., Ley, T., Becker, J., & Krcmar, H. (2012). Forschung zur Prozessorientierten Verwaltung: Forschungsportalbasierte Status Quo-Analyse. In Proceedings of the Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium (IRIS), Salzburg, Österreich, 177–184.
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Hofmann, S., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2012). Identifying Factors of E-Government Acceptance — A Literature Review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Orlando, Florida.
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Niehaves, B., Gorbacheva, E., & Plattfaut, R. (2012). Social Aspects in Technology Acceptance: Theory Integration and Development. In Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-45), Maui, HI, USA, 3149–3158.
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Niehaves, B., Gorbacheva, E., & Plattfaut, R. (2012). The Digital Divide Vs. The E-Government Divide: Do Socio-Demographic Variables (Still) Impact E-Government Use Among Onliners?. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Hofmann, S., & Räckers, M. (2011). Coverage of eGovernment Security Issues in Mass Media. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Electronic Government(6846), 296–307.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2011). Demografischer Wandel: Forschungsprojekt untersucht E-Government in der alternden Gesellschaft. Kommune21, 2011(2), 12–13.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Breuker, D., & Räckers, M. (2011). On Measures of Behavioral Distance between Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2011), Zurich, 665–674.
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Becker, J., Hofmann, S., & Räckers, M. (2011). Akzeptanzfaktoren für E-Government-Anwendungen — Ein Literaturüberblick. In Proceedings of the Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion (IRIS), Salzburg, Österreich, 241–244.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2011). The MATH of Internet Adoption: Comparing Different Age-Groups. In Proceedings of the 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2011), Zürich, CH.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Heide, T., Hofmann, S., Jurisch, M., Knackstedt, R., Krcmar, H., Ley, T., Räckers, M., Thome, I., & Wolf, P. (2011). Forschungslandkarte "Prozessorientierte Verwaltung". Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern. München/Münster.
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Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Gorbacheva, E. (2011). Social Aspects in Technology Acceptance: Theory Integration and Development. Poster session presented at the JAIS Theory Development Workshop (Pre-ICIS), Shanghai, China.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., & Räckers, M. (2010). Activity-Based Costing in Public Administrations: A Business Process Modeling Approach. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA) (IJESMA), 2(4), 1–10.
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Niehaves, B. (2010). Iceberg ahead: On electronic government research and societal aging. Government Information Quarterly, 28(3), 310–319. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Niehaves, B. (2010). Open Process Innovation: The Impact of Personnel Resource Scarcity on the Involvement of Customers and Consultants in Public Sector BPM. Business Process Management Journal, Accepted for Publication.
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Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., Gorbacheva, E., & Vages, P. H. (2010). Analysis of E-Inclusion Projects in Russia, Austria and Switzerland. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 7(2), 72–84.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Breuker, D., & Räckers, M. (2010). Evaluating the Expressiveness of Domain Specific Modeling Languages using the Bunge-Wand-Weber Ontology. In Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43), Honolulu, HI, 1–10.
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Gorbacheva, E., Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). Governmental Projects for the Aging Society: An Explorative Study in Russia. In Proceedings of the Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTVI & FTRI) 2010, Koblenz, Germany, 89–91.
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Niehaves, B., & Ortbach, K. (2010). Demographic Awareness and E-Government — A Quantitative Analysis of Germany and Japan. In Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Informaction Systems, Lima, Peru.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). From Bureaucratic and Quasi‐Market Environments: On the Co‐Evolution of Public Sector Business Process Management. In Proceedings of the 9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on E-Government (EGOV 2010), Lausanne, Switzerland, 387–399.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). The Age-Divide in Private Internet Usage: A Quantitative Study of Technology Acceptance. In Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). What is the Issue with Internet Acceptance among Elderly Citizens? Theory Development and Policy Recommendations for Inclusive E‐Government. In Proceedings of the 9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on E-Government (EGOV 2010), Lausanne, Switzerland, 275–288.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). Collaborative Business Process Management: Exploring Themes, Achievements, and Perspectives. In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa.
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Niehaves, B., & Plattfaut, R. (2010). T-Government for the Citizens: Digital Divide and Internet Technology Acceptance among the Elderly. In Proceedings of the tGov Workshop '10 (tGov10), Brunel University, West London, UK.
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Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Becker, J. (2010). Transformation Networks — The Case of Business Process Management in Local Governments. In Proceedings of the tGov Workshop '10 (tGov10), Brunel University, West London, UK.
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Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Gorbacheva, E. (2010). Information Society and Aging — A Study on E-Inclusion Projects in Russian Municipalities. In Proceedings of the IADIS eSociety 2010, Porto, Portugal.
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Sorrentino, M., & Niehaves, B. (2010). Intermediaries in E-Inclusion: A Literature Review.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Becker, J., Falk, T., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2010). Semantic Business Process Analysis. In Jan, v. B., & Michael, R. (Eds.), International Handbook on Business Process Management 1 — Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems (pp. 187–211). International Handbooks on Information Systems. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
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Arbeitspapier / Working Paper

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Eggert, M., Heddier, M., Hofmann, S., Knackstedt, R., & Räckers, M. (2010). IT-Risiken — Ursachen, Methoden, Forschungsperspektiven. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 128. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Vages, P. H. (2010). Aging and the Information Society: A Comparative Study of Austria and Switzerland. Poster session presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research, Puebla, Mexico.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., & Räckers, M. (2009). Process-Based Governance in Public Administrations Using Activity-Based Costing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Electronic Government(5693), 176–187.
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Kobayashi, M., & Niehaves, B. (2009). Comparative Study of Local Government Administrative Reforms in Japan and Germany — Critical Factors for Innovation and Performance [In Japanese]. Nikkei Glocal. Nikkei Regional Economic Report, 117(FEB), 42–47.
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Niehaves, B., & Krause, A. (2009). Shared Service Center vs. Shared Service Network: A Multiple Case Study Analysis of Factors Impacting on Shared Service Configurations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Electronic Government(5693), 115–126.
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Niehaves, B., & Malsch, R. (2009). Democratizing Process Innovation? On Citizen Involvement in Public Sector BPM. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Electronic Government(5693), 245–256.
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Räckers, M., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Becker, J. (2009). E-Inklusion als Schlüssel zur Informationsgesellschaft. eGovernment Review, 2(3), 12–13.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., & Räckers, M. (2009). Business Process Assessment and Evaluation in Public Administrations using Activity-Based Costing. In Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009), San Francisco, CA, Paper 16.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Lis, L., & Niehaves, B. (2009). Explaining the Behavioral Intention Towards BI Implementation in Public Administrations: A Principal-agent Theory Approach. In Wimmer, M., Jochen, S. H., Janssen, M., & Traunmüller, R. (Eds.), Electronic Government, 8th International Conference, EGOV 2009, Linz, Austria, August 31 — September 3, 2009. Proceedings (pp. 399–411). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5693. Springer Verlag.
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Becker, J., Breuker, D., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2009). Constructing Comparable Business Process Models with Domain Specific Languages — An Empirical Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009), Verona, Italy, 1–13.
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Becker, J., Hofmann, S., & Räckers, M. (2009). Comparative Analysis of Electronic Signatures of EU Member States. In Proceedings of the Ongoing Research, General Development Issues and Projects of EGOV 09, 8th International Conference, Linz, Austria, 205–212.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., Bergener, K., Räckers, M., & Weiß, B. (2009). The Digital Divide in E-Government — A Quantitative Analysis [Invited Paper]. In Proceedings of the eGovernment Symposium at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, USA.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Krause, A. (2009). Shared Services Strategies and Their Determinants: A Multiple Case Study Analysis in the Public Sector.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Ortbach, K. (2009). Does the Answer Lie in Collaboration? — A Case Study on E-Government and Societal Aging. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009), Verona, Italy.
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Bergener, P., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2009). How to inform the point of single contact? — A business process based approach. In Hansen, H., Karagiannis, D., & Fill, H.-G. (Eds.), Business Services: Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen. 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 25.-27. Februar 2009, Wien (pp. 635–644). Vol. 247. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
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Breuker, D., Pfeiffer, D., & Becker, J. (2009). Reducing the Variations in Intra- and Interorganizational Business Process Modeling — An Empirical Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2009), Wien.
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Niehaves, B. (2009). Open Innovation and Public Sector Business Process Management — A Multi-Method Study.
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Niehaves, B. (2009). Open Process Innovation: A Multi-Method Study on the Involvement of Customers and Consultant in Public Sector BPM.
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Niehaves, B., Andersen, K., Scholl, H., & Sorrentino, M. (2009). E-Government Research and Societal Aging.
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Niehaves, B., & Kobayashi, M. (2009). Towards a Theory of Reform Governance: Do Politico-Administrative System Variables Influence Reform Policy Networks in German and Japanese Local Governments?.
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Niehaves, B., & Ortbach, K. (2009). Der demografische Wandel und seine Konsequenzen für das E-Govemment — Eine Fallstudie. In Proceedings of the Wirtschaftsinformatik 2009, Wien, 575–584.
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Niehaves, B., Ortbach, K., & Becker, J. (2009). Age-Aware E-Government — A Research Agenda. In Proceedings of the 13th IRSPM Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Niehaves, B., Ortbach, K., & Becker, J. (2009). The Demographic Challenge: Aging and Depopulation and their Consequences for eGovernment. In Proceedings of the 42th Hawaii International Conference in Computer and System Sciences (HICSS-42), Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Niehaves, B. (2009). Verwaltungsreform in Deutschland und Japan — Eine empirisch-vergleichende Analyse Kooperativer Kommunaler Reformpolitik.
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Niehaves, B. (2009). Verwaltungsreform in Deutschland und Japan — Kooperative Kommunale Reformpolitik im Vergleich. Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Baacke, L., Becker, J., Bergener, P., Fitterer, R., Greiner, U., Stroh, F., Räckers, M., & Rohner, P. (2009). Enabling Integration and Optimization of Government Processes With Cross-Functional ICT. In Vishanth, W., Marijn, J., & Yogesh, K. D. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective. (pp. 117–139). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Räckers, M. (2009). Prozessmodellierung als Schlüssel zur Umsetzung der EU-DLR — Modellierung und Management von Verwaltungsprozessen auf Basis der EU-DLR mit der PICTURE-Methode. In Utz, S. (Ed.), Die Umsetzung der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie in der deutschen Verwaltung. Teil II: Verfahren, Prozesse, IT-Umsetzung (pp. 162–183).
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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Algermissen, L., Kirschbaum, D., & Räckers, M. (2009). Prozessorientierte Modernisierung der Justizverwaltung mit der PICTURE-Methode.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., & Räckers, M. (2008). Digital Divide in eGovernment: The eInclusion Gap Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Electronic Government(5184), 231–242.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., & Räckers, M. (2008). Inclusive Electronic Public Service Delivery — A Quantitative Analysis. Electronic Markets, 18(4), 315–323.
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Becker, J., & Räckers, M. (2008). Reorganisation öffentlicher Verwaltungen durch Bausteinorientierte Prozessmodellierung. eGovernment Review, 1(2), 12–13.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Kleist, S., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Business Process Model-based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, ON, Canada, Paper 353.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Kleist, S., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations based on Business Process Models. In Wimmer, M., Scholl, H., & Ferro, E. (Eds.), Electronic Government — 7th International Conference, EGOV 2008, Turin, Italy, August 31 — September 5, 2008. Proceedings (pp. 124–135). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5184. Berlin Heiderberg: Springer.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). Social Inclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery in Germany — A Quantitative Analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, ON, Paper 19.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., Fielenbach, K., Räckers, M., & Weiß, B. (2008). The Digital Divide in E-Government — A Quantitative Analysis. In Kommers, P., & Isaias, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008 (pp. 337–344). Lissabon: IADIS Press.
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Becker, J., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Solving the conflicts of distributed process modelling — towards an integrated approach. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland.
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Karow, M., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Empirical-Based Construction of Reference Models in Public Administrations. In Martin, B., Thomas, H., Helmut, K., Ulrike, L., Florian, M., Arnold, P., Benjamin, S., & Petra, W. (Eds.), Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2008, München, 26.2.2008 — 28.2.2008, Proceedings. (pp. 1613–1624). Berlin: GITO-Verlag.
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Kubicek, H., & Niehaves, B. (2008). Comparative eGovernment.
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Niehaves, B. (2008). Public Sector Innovation Processes [Invited Paper].
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Niehaves, B., & Becker, J. (2008). The Age-Divide in E-Government — Data, Interpretations, Theory Fragments. 279–287.
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Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2008). ‘You got E-Government?’ — A Quantitative Analysis of In- and Exclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), Galway, Ireland, Paper 32.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Bergener, P., Fielenbach, K., Fuchs, P., Herwig, S., Karow, M., Niehaves, B., Räckers, M., & Weiß, B. (2008). E-Inclusion: Digitale Integration durch E-Government. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Inneren. Münster: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., Falk, T., & Niehaves, B. (2008). Priorisierung von Geschäftsprozessen für die prozessorientierte Reorganisation in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. In Becker, K., & Rosemann, (Eds.) (pp. 596–620).
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Baacke, L., Becker, J., Bergener, P., Fitterer, R., Instinsky, M., Räckers, M., & Rohner, P. (2008). Management von Prozesswissen — Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt PICTURE. In Erich, S., Anton, G., Gisela, H., & Christian, S. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 223–232). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Lis, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Migrating process models between PICTURE and BPMN/EPC. In Niedźwiedziński, M., & Lange-Sadzińska, K. (Eds.), Wybrane Problemy Elektronicznej Gospodarki (pp. 9–20). Łódź: unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). E-Inclusion im E-Government. In Erich, S., Anton, G., Gisela, H., & Christian, S. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 70–78). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). Demografieorientiertes E-Government in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken. In Schweighofer, E., Geist, A., Heindl, G., & Szücs, C. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 65–69). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
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Becker, J., Delfmann, P., Fuchs, P., Algermissen, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Gestaltung von E-Learning-Prozessen mit Referenzmodellen. In Heinz, L. G., Jan, v. B., & Christian, B. (Eds.), E-Learning-Management (pp. 21–38). München: Vahlen Verlag.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Towards a Holistic Approach to Validating Conceptual Models. In Johannesson, P., & Söderström, E. (Eds.), Information Systems Engineering: From Data Analysis to Process Networks (pp. 229–251). IGI Global.
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Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). E-Inklusion — Chancen für E-Government-Entscheider. In Franz-Reinhard, H., & Andreas, H. (Eds.) (pp. 57–62).
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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Niehaves, B. (2008). Netzwerken oder Einkaufen? Kooperatives kommunales Innovationsmanagement. Stadt und Gemeinde, 12 (2008) 6, S. 203.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). Bausteinbasierte Modellierung von Prozesslandschaften mit der PICTURE-Methode am Beispiel der Universitätsverwaltung Münster. Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 49(4), 267–279.
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Niehaves, B. (2007). Innovation Processes in the Public Sector — New Vistas for an Interdisciplinary Perspective on eGovernment Research?. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 4656, 23–34.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). Local, Participative Process Modelling — The PICTURE-Approach. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Management of Business Processes in Government, Brisbane, Australien, 33–48.
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Becker, J., Bergener, P., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). Management of Process Knowledge in Public Administrations. In Proceedings of the TED Conference on e-Government, Poznan, Poland, 12–23.
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Becker, J., Czerwonka, M., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). Decision Making in Public Administrations based on Analysable Process Models. In Traunmüller, R., Makolm, J., & Orthofer, G. (Eds.), Eastern European e|Gov Days 2007: Best Practice and Innovation: Proceedings of the Eastern European e|Gov days 2007 in Prague and the Austrian eGovernment-Konferenz in Krems (pp. 299–302). OCG Schriftenreihe — Vol. 222. OCG.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Müller-Wienbergen, F., & Matzner, M. (2007). Open Source Public Sector Business Intelligence Systems. In Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, G., Lang, M., Conboy, K., & Barry, C. (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education (pp. 379–391). New York City, NY, USA: Springer.
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Becker, J., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). PICTURE — A new Approach for Domain-Specific Process Modelling. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2007), Trondheim, Norway, 45–48.
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Becker, J., Pfeiffer, D., Räckers, M., & Algermissen, L. (2007). Management von Prozesswissen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung — Anwendung des PICTURE-Ansatzes am Beispiel der Universitätsverwaltung Münster. In Gronau, N. (Ed.), 4. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement — Erfahrungen und Visionen: Band 1. Deutsche Beiträge (pp. 153–161). Berlin: GITO.
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Becker, J., Pfeiffer, D., Räckers, M., & Fuchs, P. (2007). Business Process Management in Public Administrations — The PICTURE Approach. In Proceedings of the 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Auckland, New Zealand, 1–14.
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Niehaves, B. (2007). Public Sector Innovation and Diffusion Processes — Preliminary Results of a Qualitative Study in Japan.
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Niehaves, B. (2007). Public Sector Innovation and Diffusion Processes — Decentralisation and Innovation.
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Niehaves, B. (2007). Public Sector Innovation Studies and eGovernment Research.
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Niehaves, B., Müller-Wienbergen, F., & Becker, J. (2007). Open Source Business Intelligence in Public Administrations.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Niehaves, B. (2007). Management organisationskultureller Veränderungen: Von der traditionellen Bürokratie zur modernen Verwaltung.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Räckers, M., & Pfeiffer, D. (2007). Aufbau eines verwaltungsübergreifenden Prozessregisters für öffentliche Verwaltungen mit der PICTURE-Methode. In Erich, S., Anton, G., & Gisela, H. (Eds.), 10 Jahre IRIS: Bilanz und Ausblick: Tagungsband des 10. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2007 (pp. 189–196). Stuttgart: Boorberg.
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Becker, J., Lis, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2007). A Process Modeling Language for the Public Sector — the PICTURE Approach. In Marian, N. (Ed.), Wybrane Problemy Elektronicznej Gospodarki (pp. 271–281). Lodz: unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
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Arbeitspapier / Working Paper

Matzner, M., & Räckers, M. (2007). Das Bürgerbüro als Integrationspunkt — Stand und Perspektiven der Verzahnung von Frontoffice und Backoffice in Bürgerbüros von NRW-Kommunen. In Jörg, B. (Ed.).
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2006). A Procedural Model for Process Oriented e-Government Projects. Business Process Management Journal, 12(1), 61–75.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Falk, T., & Pfeiffer, D. (2006). Reorganization Potential in Public Administrations — Identification and Measurement with the PICTURE-Approach. In Proceedings of the 5th International EGOV Conference, Krakau, Poland, 111–119.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Falk, T., Pfeiffer, D., & Fuchs, P. (2006). Model Based Identification and Measurement of Reorganization Potential in Public Administrations — the PICTURE-Approach. In Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 860–875.
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Niehaves, B., & Stirna, J. (2006). Participative Enterprise modelling von BSC Implementation in Pubic Administrations.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2006). PICTURE — An Instrument to Provide Successful ICT Investment Strategies for European Public Administrations. In E., S. e. a. (Ed.) (pp. 87–94).
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2006). Configurable Reference Process Models for Public Administrations. In Anttiroiki, A.-V., & Mälkiä, M. (Eds.) (pp. 220–223).
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2006). Process-Oriented Reorganization Projects in Electronic Government. In Mehdi, K.-P. (Ed.) (pp. 926–932).
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Falk, T. (2006). Selecting Processes for Co-designing eGovernment Services. In Nielsson, A. e. a. (Ed.).
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Niehaves, B., & Algermissen, L. (2006). BASIS — Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Management Information Systems for Public Administrations. In E., S. e. a. (Ed.) (pp. 95–101).
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Algermissen, L., Dermann, G., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Barrierefreiheit für Webseiten von Bund, Ländern und Gemeinden. Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 47(5), 378–382.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., Falk, T., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Identifikation von Best Practices durch Geschäftsprozessmodellierung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. HMD, 241(HMD), 86–96.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Experiences in Process-oriented Reorganisation through Reference Modelling in Public Administrations — The Case Study Regio@KomM.
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Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2005). The ProKMuni-Platform — Process Oriented Knowledge Management for Municipalities. In Proceedings of the Information Resources Management Conference, San Diego, 28–31.
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Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Regio@KomM: Projekterfahrungen bei der prozessorientierten Reorganisation in öffentlichen Kommunalverwaltungen. 215–221.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Niehaves, B., & Delfmann, P. (2005). Business Process Reference Models for Reorganizing Public Administrations — A Case Study. In Andersen, K., Grönlund, A., Traunmüller, R., & Wimmer, M. (Eds.), Electronic Government — Workshop and Poster Proceedings of the Fourth International EGOV Conference 2005, August 22-26, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark (pp. 134–142). Schriftenreihe Informatik: Vol. 13. Linz, Austria: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Algermissen, L. (2005). Epistemological Perspectives on Multi-Methodological Electronic Government Research. 258–261.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Algermissen, L. (2005). O.S.I.R.I.S. — Open Source Software für Virtuelle Rathäuser. 163–169.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Falk, T., Algermissen, L., & Delfmann, P. (2005). Open Source Software for Virtual Town-Halls. In Proceedings of the 3rd Eastern Europe eGov Days 2005, Budapest, Hungary.
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Niehaves, B., & Algermissen, L. (2005). Epistemological Perspectives on eGovernment Research. 180–188.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., Falk, T., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Virtuelles Rathaus Münsterland 2005.
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Niehaves, B. (2005). Management organisationskultureller Veränderungen — Von der traditionellen Bürokratie zur modernen öffentlichen Verwaltung.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2005). Referenzmodellierung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen am Beispiel des prozessorientierten Reorganisationsprojekts Regio@KomM. In O., K. F., E., J. S., S., E., & T., I. (Eds.) (pp. 729–745).
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Kommunale Internet-Präsentationen in Westfalen — eine Studie der Universität Münster. Städte- und Gemeinderat, 58(5), 18–20.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Vorgehensmodell zur Selektion von eGovernment-Prozessen. eGov Präsenz, 4(1), 4–8.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Algermissen, L., Hof, S., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Mit Sicherheit eGovernment — Modellierung von eGovernment-Prozessen und Sicherheitsaspekten am Beispiel des eProcurement.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., Falk, T., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Reorganizing Public Administrations — How to manage Process Oriented eGovernment Projects. In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2004). A Web Based Platform for the Design of Administrational Reference Process Models. In Zhou, X., Su, S., Papazoglou, M. P., Orlowska, M. E., & Jeffery, K. G. (Eds.), Web Information Systems — WISE 2004 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, November 22-24, 2004. Proceedings (pp. 159–169). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 3306. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Prozessorientierte Reorganisation in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. In Becker, J., & Delfmann, P. (Eds.), Referenzmodellierung. Grundlagen, Techniken und domänenbezogene Anwendung (pp. 151–175). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Organizational engineering in public administrations: a method for process-oriented egovernment projects. 1385–1389.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Falk, T. (2004). e-Government Success Factors. In Traunmüller, R. (Ed.), Electronic Government Third International Conference, EGOV 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 30-September 3, 2004. Proceedings (pp. 503–506). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 3183. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
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Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Falk, T. (2004). e-Government Success Factors. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Electronic Go¬vernment (EGOV 2004), Zaragoza, 503–506.
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Fachbuch (Monographie)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., Falk, T., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Virtuelles Rathaus Münsterland 2004 — Status-quo und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Münster.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2004). Prozessorientierte Reorganisation in öffentlichen Verwaltungen — Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung eines Referenzvorgehensmodells. In Becker, J., & Delfmann, P. (Eds.), Referenzmodellierung — Grundlagen, Techniken und domänenbezogene Anwendung (pp. 151–175). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
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Arbeitspapier / Working Paper

Algermissen, L., Büchel, N., Delfmann, P., Dümmer, S., Drawe, S., Falk, T., Hinzen, M., Meesters, S., Müller, T., Niehaves, B., Niemeyer, G., Pepping, M., Robert, S., Rosenkranz, C., Stichnote, M., & Wienefoet, T. (2004). Fachkonzeptionelle Spezifikation von Virtuellen Rathäusern — Ein Konzept zur Unterstützung der Implementierung. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 110. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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Algermissen, L., Büchel, N., Delfmann, P., Dümmer, S., Drawe, S., Falk, T., Hinzen, M., Meesters, S., Müller, T., Niehaves, B., Niemeyer, G., Pepping, M., Robert, S., Rosenkranz, C., Stichnote, M., & Wienefoet, T. (2004). Anforderungen an Virtuelle Rathäuser — Ein Leitfaden für die herstellerunabhängige Softwareauswahl. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 109. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Processes in e-Government Focus: A Procedure Model for Process Oriented Reorganisation in Public Administrations on the Local Level. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2739. Electronic Government, 147–150.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Algermissen, L., Delfmann, P., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Konstruktion konfigurierbarer Referenzmodelle für die öffentliche Verwaltung. 238–242.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Die Ereignisgesteuerte Verwaltungsprozesskette. 199–206.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Ein Vorgehensmodell zur prozessorientierten Organisationsgestaltung der öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der Stadt Emsdetten. 83–94.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Implementing eGovernment Strategies — A procedural model for process oriented eGovernment projects. 1–10.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Prozessmodellierung als Grundlage des E-Government. 859–879.
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Becker, J., Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). Prozessmodellierung in eGovernment-Projekten mit der EPK. 31–44.
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Arbeitspapier / Working Paper

Algermissen, L., & Niehaves, B. (2003). E-Government — State of the art and development perspectives. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 94. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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